The Administrative Pros

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Form I9 Employment Eligibility Verification Handbook & Videos


$FREE99 Form I9 Employment Verification Training Guides & Videos!

Many notaries look for additional ways to supplement their income. One of those ways is to perform I9 services as an independent Authorized Representative. Here is a free gift that we have thoughtfully curated for you. These guides and videos will help you learn how to properly complete I9 Form Employment Verification applications with your future clients.

You'll receive downloadable PDFs along with the following links:

  • I9 Form Overview Live Webinar Training

  • I9 Form Pre-recorded Training (shows how to complete form step by step)

  • I9 Form Training Powerpoint slides

  • I9 Handbook from the official government site

  • I9 Instructions on how to complete the I9 application

  • I9 Blank application

Form I9 Overview Topics (for Live Webinar):

Learn about Form I9 requirements, step-by-step instructions on how to complete each section, acceptable documents, retention, and storage. This webinar, useful for prospective and new E-Verify users, is eligible for 1 professional development credit through SHRM and HRCI.

If you would like to receive more free resources, such as this one, please subscribe to our newsletter.


*Disclaimer: Read the state laws (or contact your state's Secretary of State via phone or email) you received your commission to ensure you as a notary can provide this service as an authorized representative. Some states require you to be a certified immigration specialist. Please be mindful that you may still need additional training in addition to these resources due to some of the complexities related to the process.

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